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1 Tishrei 5775
September 25, 2014

Welcome friends to our Rosh Hashanah newsletter. We are welcoming the new Jewish year 5775 and sending your way Shana Tova and Hag Sameach greetings.

Please also enjoy our lesson 20 for Rosh Hashanah. You can learn about the customs of Rosh Hashanah and learn some Hebrew.

שנה טובה

Sha-na To-va

שהשנה הבאה תביא לכם

She-ha-sha-na ha-ba-a ta-vee la-hem









והצלחה בלימוד עברית

Ve-hats-la-ha be-li-mood iv-rit

משפחת ידווב

Mish-pa-hat Yed-wab

Happy New Year

May the coming year bring you





and success with Hebrew study

The Yedwab family

Featured Holiday

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: the head of the year) is the beginning of the Jewish or Hebrew year that falls this year on Wednesday and Thursday, September 25-26, 2014 - Tishrei 1-2 - א' וב' בתשרי, תשע"ה. The Jewish New Year starts the month of Tishrei and celebrates the beginning of the ten days of self-examination and repentance before Yom Kippur on Saturday, October 4.

At the synagogue, the shofar (a trumpet made from a ram's horn) is blown. Traditional foods are challah, apples dipped in honey to symbolize the coming sweet year, fish heads to symbolize success (to be at the head and not at the tail) and pomegranates that symbolize fertility because of its many seeds. Greeting cards for the New Year (H: Shana Tova) are sent to friend and family.

New Idioms

Lived a long life He-e-rih ya-mim ve-sha-nim האריך ימים ושנים
All year round Kol ye-mot ha-sha-na כל ימות השנה
Once upon a time Lif-ney sha-nim ra-bot לפני שנים רבות
Leap year Sha-na me-oo-be-ret שנה מעוברת

New Words

Hourglass    she-on hol    שעון-חול

Daylight saving time     She-on ka-yits    שעון-קיץ

Digital watch    Sha-on di-gi-ta-li    שעון דיגיטלי

Sundial    she-on she-mesh    שעון-שמש

Submersible watch    she-on tsli-la    שעון-צלילה

Wrist-watch    she-on yad    שעון-יד

Window into Israel

The Red Sea-Dead Sea Pipeline

On December 2013, the Red Sea - Dead Sea pipeline agreement was signed by Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. The 110-mile pipeline will be built in the Jordanian territory and will transfer about 200 million cubic meters of water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. Under this agreement, Israel will supply Jordan with freshwater and Jordan will manufacture desalinated water in the Aqaba area and channel the brine waste byproduct to the Dead Sea. It will provide the Dead Sea with about a 10th of the volume of water it is needed to stabilize it. The Dead Sea water level is dropping by about 1m (3.3ft) a year because of the depleted water from the River Jordan. It is estimated that it could dry up entirely by 2050. The agreement was signed at the headquarters of the World Bank in Washington DC. The project will take 5 years to complete and is expected to cost $250m-$400m (£152m-£244m). It will be funded by donor countries and the World Bank.

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