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15 Av 5775
July 31, 2015

Welcome friends to our Tu B'Av edition of the Hebrew Podcasts Newsletter.

We are sending your way Chag Sameach greetings and Happy Tu B'Av.

Featured Holiday

Tu B'Av ט"ו באב (the fifteenth of the month of Av) is a holiday that was renewed in the modern-day Israel. It falls this year on Friday, July 31, 2015. It is celebrated as a holiday of love חג האהבה‎ (Hag HaAhava) and as such is a very sought after date for romantic dates and Jewish weddings. The kibbutzim celebrate the grape harvest festival as Hag Hakeramim. It was celebrated in the Temple in Jerusalem when unmarried girls would dress in white and dance in the vineyards at the beginning of the grape harvest in the hope of finding a husband.

Hag HaAhava Kids Crafts

Heart Pocket Mail Holder
Love Rocks

New Idioms

Man of letters eesh se-fer איש ספר
Bookworm to-la-at sfa-rim תולעת ספרים
Read him like an open book ko-ret o-to kmo se-fer pa-too-ah קוראת אותו כמו ספר פתוח
By the book le-fi ha-se-fer לפי הספר

New Words

Book    se-fer    ספר

Literary    sif-roo-ti    סיפרותי

Librarian    saf-ran    ספרן

Library    sif-ri-ya    ספריה

Author, writer    so-fer    סופר

Literature    sif-root    ספרות

Story    si-poor    סיפור

Windows into Israel

The Batsheva Dance Company

Martha Graham and Baroness Batsheva De Rothchild founded the company in 1964 in Tel Aviv. Two of the main principal dancers were the prima ballerina Rina Schenfeld and Rena Gluck. In 1990 Ohad Naharin founded a youth company, Batsheva Ensenble, with dancers ages between 18 and 24. Batsheva Ensemble performed in 2012 in Edinburgh International Festival and toured the United Kingdom. The company has 34 dancers performing locally and internationally with about 250 performances a year.

About Hebrew Podcasts

Hebrew Podcasts makes learning conversational Hebrew practical and enjoyable using audio and video lessons, flashcards and printable lesson guides.

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