The following list organizes all the lessons by the four levels. Select a level and then select the lesson that you want to take:
No |
Title |
Description |
1 |
Introduction |
Welcome to the first lesson of Hebrew Podcasts. In this beginner-level lesson we'll meet Rina. She'll help us practice some greetings such as saying hello and "how are you?" Rina will tell us about her school and her favorite teacher. Through the dialog with Rina you'll learn some new words. |
2 |
Alphabet |
In this beginner-level lesson we'll learn the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. We'll say the name of each letter and hear a word or two that begin with that letter. We'll then discuss pronunciation. |
3 |
School |
In this beginner-level lesson we'll meet Noa again and talk with her about her school. We'll learn some new vocabulary related to school and we'll touch on the subject of counting and ordinal numbers. |
4 |
Family Visit |
In this beginner-level lesson we're going to talk with Noa about her recent visit with her sister Dahlia in Tel Aviv, and about her nephew Yoni. In this conversation, we'll hear some useful expressions, learn how to ask questions, and get introduced to the possessive form and some new vocabulary. |
5 |
Telling Time |
In this lesson we'll practice telling time. We'll hear a dialog between Danny, Noa, and Rina about their schedule. We'll see how to ask "what time is it?" and how to answer for various times of day. And as always, we'll pick up some new vocabulary and expressions. |
6 |
Directions |
In this lesson we'll hear a dialog between a hotel guest and the front desk clerk. The guest is asking for directions to the beach. The dialog introduces vocabulary related to requesting and giving directions and planning to go to the beach. |
7 |
Meals and Food |
In this lesson we'll speak with Noa about her meals and what she likes to eat for breakfast, lunch, and supper. The dialog introduces vocabulary related to meals, food and drinks. We'll also learn how to say usually and sometimes. |
8 |
Passover Seder |
In this lesson Noa will tell us about her plans and preparations for the Passover Seder. We'll hear about some of the Passover Seder customs and how to wish someone a happy Passover. As we do so, we'll also be learning Hebrew pronouns. |
9 |
Yom Ha'atzmaut |
In this Hebrew lesson we'll hear a dialog between Talia and her mom about celebrating Yom Ha'atzmaut, the Israeli Independence Day. This year on May 8, Israel will celebrate its sixtieth anniversary. Many world leaders are planning to come to Israel to participate in the celebrations. In our lesson however, we'll focus on the plans of one family. |
11 |
Clothes and Colors |
In today's lesson we'll hear Noa and Rina discuss a favorite topic, buying clothes. Rina's birthday is coming up and she wants new clothes in the colors of the latest fashion. We'll learn how to speak about clothes and colors, and pick up some useful expressions. |
13 |
Seasons and Weather |
In today's Hebrew lesson we'll hear from Noa about her summer vacation in Spain. We'll talk about the weather in Spain, and the weather back home, and learn some new words and expressions related to speaking about the weather. |
14 |
Ski at Mt. Hermon |
In this lesson Ilan receives a phone call from his aunt Dina. She wants to take him skiing on Mount Hermon, Israel's only ski resort. Ilan raises objections, but Dina can be quite persuasive. Through the dialog we'll learn how to answer the phone, ask questions, and use some new expressions. |
16 |
Beijing Olympics |
The Olympic games in Beijing are rapidly approaching. In this lesson, Noa and Danny discuss the Israeli delegate and their prospects of winning a medal at the Olympics. In particular, Danny is interested in the doubles tennis where Israel has strong players for both the men and the women. |
17 |
A Visit to the Knesset |
In this lesson, Danny is calling the visitor information office of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. Danny wants to bring guests to Jerusalem to see the Knesset and perhaps even watch the assembly in session. Through the dialog between Danny and the visitor information agent we'll learn some useful new words and expressions. |
19 |
Back to School |
It's back to school time. Rina is back and she's going to tell us about her first day of school and about her new classmate Shira. Noa is also here and she'll play the role of Rina's mother in the dialog. We'll learn some new vocabulary and expressions related to describing a person. |
20 |
Shana Tova |
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year's holiday, is approaching. Dina is calling her nephew Alon to invite him over to celebrate the holiday with her family. It's important to her that the family is together for the holiday and that Alon is included. In this lesson we'll learn some new words related to the customs of Rosh Hashanah. |
21 |
Surprise Party |
In this lesson, Noa and Danny are planning a surprise party for their friend Ehud. Noa is making a grocery list for the party, and Danny is suggesting various things to buy. We'll learn how to speak about drinks, appetizers, fruits and desserts. |
22 |
Sukkot |
In this lesson, Rina, Noa and Danny discuss the sukkah that they are going to build. Rina is very excited because the family will have all their meals in the sukkah and Rina wants to decorate the sukkah and sleep there during the holiday. |
23 |
Caesarea |
In this lesson, Yael tells her friend Yuval about going to Caesarea with her archeology professor to participate in the ongoing archaeological digs. They are going to live in Caesarea and dig in the Roman city, and Yael invites Yuval to come along. |
25 |
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo |
The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is a beautiful botanical and zoological garden that was rebuilt in a new location in Jerusalem in 1993. In this lesson we'll hear a man asking his friend who works at the zoo to tell him about the place. We'll hear how to give facts and figures and learn how to say large numbers. |
26 |
Making a Hanukiah |
Hanukkah, the festival of lights, lasts eight days with each day marked by lighting candles on a Hanukiah. In this lesson, Dina is taking her children to the Israel museum in Jerusalem where they will make Hanukiyot from clay. We'll learn some useful verbs such as to make, to build, and to prepare. |
29 |
Bike Riding |
Bike riding is a great father and daughter activity. In this lesson Rina is asking her father to go biking together on the path that runs along the stream all the way down to the sea. Through the dialog we'll learn some new words related to biking and photography. |
31 |
Buying a Car |
Buying a car can be an exciting occasion. Ronit had saved for two year and is now planning to order a new car from the importer. Ariel is surprised that it takes so long to get a new car. In America, you can buy a new car and drive it home with you. In the dialog between Ronit and Ariel we learn some new expressions. |
33 |
Cell-Phone Repair |
Jeffrey, a listener from New Jersey, sent us a lesson idea about dealing with a cell-phone service provider. In our lesson, a customer calls a cell-phone repair service to ask about unlocking their phone and checking a problem with the keypad. Through the dialog we'll learn how to ask for service and consider the question of whether to admit that our cell phone got wet. |
34 |
Tel Aviv Celebrates 100 |
In this lesson we hear Yossi calling Tel Aviv City Hall for information. He is planning to visit Tel Aviv with his family in April and wants to inquire about interesting events that are happening during his visit. His timing couldn't be better as Tel Aviv celebrates its 100th birthday in April. Let's listen to the dialog between Yossi and the city information agent. |
43 |
Job Interview |
Our subject today is the all too common and often dreaded job interview. Yaron is looking for a new challenge and he is coming for a job interview with Tami, the bank branch manager. She wants to know about his background and experience and his reason for leaving his former bank. Through the dialog we'll learn some words like a resume, position, salary, and benefits. |
55 |
Tu Bishvat |
Buying a tree at the nursery is the topic of today's lesson. Eyal's wife wants to plant a fruit tree for Tu Bishvat and he is looking for ideas. The salesperson at the nursery helps Eyal choose a lemon tree so that his wife can enjoy it for cooking and for making lemonade. She also gives him advice about watering the tree and conserving water by using drip irrigation. |
61 |
Lag BaOmer |
The most well-known custom of Lag BaOmer is the lighting of bonfires. In today's dialog, Noam is planning a bonfire with her friends on Lag Ba'omer. She wants the bonfire to be the biggest and tallest in the neighborhood so she wants to enlist her father's help. |
79 |
Hershele |
Hershele is an iconic figure of Jewish humor. In our dialog today, Ilana asks Eli to write a summary of a business meeting. It's late and Eli is reluctant because he thinks that it's a waste of time to summarize what was said when everyone attended the meeting. Ilana tells him the story of Hershele and hopes that he'll understand the moral of the story. |
145 |
Grandchildren Visit - Part 1 |
Sarah and Yossef host their grandchildren once a week. They look forward to their visit each Friday and are discussing plans for the weekend. This lesson is the first part of a two-part lesson. Part 1 takes place before the grandchildren's visit and part 2 takes place after the visit. |
150 |
Party Planning |
Ilan and Dina are planning for the busy week ahead. They are going through their list of activities and planning how to prepare for them. |
155 |
Job Inquiry |
Responding to a newspaper ad, Yoav calls to inquire about the shift-supervisor position at the supermarket. He speaks with Miriam and asks for more information about the job. |
161 |
Solving a Crossword |
Udi and Nily are solving a crossword puzzle together. They discuss the best strategies for solving crossword puzzles. |
166 |
The Safari - Part 2 |
This is the second part of the Safari trilogy of lessons. Ilana takes Yuval on a tour of the Safari and shows him the monkey exhibit. |
171 |
Short Term Car Rental |
Orna and Danny were involved in a car accident. Orna was worried
about insurance because her car was a short term rental. But
sometimes a cloud has a silver lining and Danny is a car-insurance
agent who can help her with her insurance claim. |
175 |
Weather |
Ariel and Ronit are having their weekly walking routine when all of a sudden it starts to rain. The rain caught them by surprise and unprepared so they are hurrying back home so they won't get drenched. |
181 |
Hospital |
Keren comes to the hospital, convinced that she has a heart attack again. The doctor listens to her and tries to calm her down and reduce her anxiety. |
186 |
Falafel Stand |
Tammi and Yoram are going out to eat because Yoram doesn't feel like cooking. On the way to their favorite restaurant, they pass by a falafel stand and just can't resist the smell. |
191 |
Adopting a Dog |
Orly and Yoav are Talia's parents. They decided to adopt a dog for her and they are excited to iron out the details of the adoption. |
196 |
Mobile Dog Spa |
Ilana was surprised to see a mobile dog spa near their home. When Yossi confessed that it was for their dog, Lola, Ilana thought it was too much pampering. But Yossi soon convinced her that it will make their lives easier. |
201 |
Dog Trainer |
Tami invited Yoel, who is a dog trainer, to help her train her dog Simba. She doesn’t seem to manage his behavior and she is worried that he will put himself and others in danger. |
206 |
Yoga |
Naomi invites Adam to a Yoga retreat. She thinks he can benefit from yoga and become more flexible and physically fit. Adam is not so easily convinced. |
211 |
Heat Wave |
Batya and Moti are experiencing a heat wave. They are thinking about how to cool down and cope with the heat. |
No |
Title |
Description |
10 |
Ulpan |
In today's lesson we'll hear from Noa about her job teaching Hebrew at the ulpan. An ulpan is a school for the intensive study of Hebrew that is designed for adult new immigrants to Israel. Noa will tell us about her students and the program. |
12 |
Zimmer |
Today Danny is going to make reservations for a Zimmer in a kibbutz. A Zimmer is a popular type of bed-and-breakfast vacation house in the Israeli countryside. In recent years this form of vacation has become very popular in Israel, and you can find luxurious cabins and vacation homes in beautiful locations such as Mount Carmel and the Galilee in the north of Israel. |
15 |
Eating Out |
In today's lesson, we'll hear a young couple discuss going out to eat. They talk about various kinds of food, where to go, and how to get there. Food related vocabulary is always useful for learners of a new language. You'll find it especially useful if you plan to visit Israel. |
18 |
The Dead Sea Canal |
In this lesson we'll hear a dialog between Ronit, a journalist, and her old friend Ariel, in which they discuss the Dead Sea Canal project. This project aims to run sea water to the Dead Sea to prevent it from drying, and to make electricity by taking advantage of the big difference in sea level. |
24 |
Dentist Appointment |
In this lesson, Danny complains to Noa that his tooth aches and asks her what to do. We learn that Danny hates going to the doctor and spending time in the waiting room. Noa tells him that there's no choice and that he has to go. She also reminds him that he needs to get his teeth cleaned. |
27 |
The Dead Sea (Part 1) |
In this lesson we're going to talk with Noa about her recent vacation in Israel and her trip to the Dead Sea. This lesson introduces new vocabulary, expressions, and verb structures. |
28 |
The Dead Sea (Part 2) |
In the first part of this lesson we heard about Noa's recent vacation in Israel and her trip to the Dead Sea. We left off as Noa described how they covered their body in black mud that's rich in minerals and is said to be good for your health. |
30 |
High-Tech Startup |
Haim, a listener from Israel, requested that we dedicate a lesson to business dialog. In this lesson, we'll hear from Yoram who works for a venture capital fund in Tel Aviv about his recent investment in a high-tech startup and his meeting with their new CEO. |
32 |
Purim Costume Party |
Purim is a fun holiday celebrated by exchanging gifts of food and drink and giving charity to the poor. An entertaining tradition of Purim is masquerading, dressing up in masks and costumes. This is not only for children and is great fun for adults too. In this lesson, we discuss going to a Purim costume party and dressing up as historical figures. |
35 |
Volunteering in Degania |
The kibbutz is a unique Israeli institution established on socialistic ideals. We learn about it today from Ronit who tells Avi about the book that she wrote. The book is about her experience volunteering at Kibbutz Degania, the first kibbutz, founded near lake Kinneret in the north of Israel in 1909. |
36 |
Remodeling |
Home remodeling projects can be quite challenging. In our dialog, Ariel wants to remodel his apartment and he is asking Ronit to recommend a contractor. Ronit recently remodeled her apartment and she shares with Ariel the joys and difficulties of remodeling. |
37 |
Shavuot Blintzes |
Shavuot is approaching and Gila wants to prepare the traditional blintzes, or cheese crepes, for the holiday dinner. She wants her mother to teach her how to prepare them. Listening to the dialog between Gila and her mother we get to learn how to make blintzes and learn the vocabulary for giving a recipe. |
38 |
My Son the Actor |
Being a mother often means worrying about the children even when they're grown up. Yuval calls his mom but she complains that he doesn't call her often enough. Yuval is a busy actor and he tells his mom about the production and the rehearsals. Through the dialog we'll learn how to speak about theater production and how to be kind to mom. |
39 |
Ordering at a Restaurant |
In today's dialog, Danny is at a restaurant and he is having a hard time choosing what to order from the menu. The helpful waitress describes the choices and makes recommendations, and Danny negotiates with her. Through the dialog we'll learn how to order at a restaurant. |
40 |
At the Pharmacy |
Today at the pharmacy, Reuven comes in to buy painkillers for his back and he is helped by the salesperson. Reuven doesn't have a prescription, but that's not a problem for our salesperson. While at the pharmacy, Reuven picks up various items for his wife. Through the dialog between Reuven and the salesperson we'll learn how to talk about pain and how to ask for medication, band-aids and other items. |
41 |
New Hairdo |
Going to the hair salon is always an experience full of possibilities. Ronit has an appointment with her hairdresser Uri who's been wanting to give her a new look for some time. Today might be his chance. Ronit wants a change, but she still wants to recognize herself in the mirror. In the end, she puts her trust in Uri. |
42 |
Chutzot Hayotzer |
The international art fair at Chutzot Hayotzer is a Jerusalem summer tradition. Sarit is one of the local artists who'll present at the fair and her friend Arie is keen to come and see the fair. In their conversation Arie is surprised to learn of Sarit's artistic talents and he wants to come and see her ceramic art exhibit. Sarit describes the attractions that the fair has to offer. |
44 |
Renting in Haifa |
Haifa, a beautiful port city built on the slopes of mount Carmel is the largest city in northern Israel. Ronit lives in Haifa and she just moved to a new apartment downtown. In the dialog between Ronit and Eli who wants to come and help her unpack, we learn about Haifa and the Carmelit, a unique underground railway. We also learn some new words and expressions related to moving. |
45 |
Trip to Israel |
Traveling to Israel is an annual tradition for many Israelis who live abroad. Yael is planning to go to Israel with her family as she does every summer. This year it's especially exciting since they're invited to her cousin's wedding and have the opportunity to reunite with the extended family. In the dialog, Yael shares the details of her plan with her friend Uri. |
46 |
Flight to Israel |
In our previous lesson Yael was planning a trip to Israel. Now she's just returned and we get to hear all about her many adventures. She recounts to Uri the experiences of flying with the kids, collecting the luggage and eating airplane food. Let's hear how it all went. |
47 |
Wedding |
Weddings are a reflection of culture and the one that Yael attended in the Kibbutz is no exception. In the previous two lessons we heard Yael describing her trip to Israel. Now we get to the best part of the trip, her cousin's wedding in the Kibbutz. Let's hear how it went. |
48 |
Touring Israel |
In this fourth and last part of Yael's adventures in Israel she tells Uri about their travels throughout the country. While hearing about how they crisscrossed Israel, we learn some new expressions such as how to say to crisscross or that something doesn't seem possible. |
49 |
Sizes and Measurements |
A common challenge for world travelers is converting units of measure. Today Tami calls Eitan to wish him bon voyage for his upcoming trip to America. Eitan asks if she wants him to bring her anything. Tami wants some clothes for her husband but is surprised to learn that sizes in the US are different from sizes in Israel. At the last minute she also asks for a mixer and learns that appliances in the US use a different voltage. |
50 |
Sports |
Getting kids away from screens and doing physical activity is the topic of today's lesson. Talia loves to watch television during her vacation but her mom wants to persuade her to participate in a sport. She knows that her daughter isn't a sport enthusiast so she lets her choose. After much negotiation they agree to try dancing. |
51 |
Israel Electric Company |
Generating electricity can be a fascinating and often controversial subject. Today Ariel is going on a tour of Orot Rabin, the Israel Electric Corporation site in Hedera. Ora is the tour guide and she explains how electricity is generated at this site. Ariel is worried about pollution and Ora explains that the electric company built tall chimneys to reduce air pollution at this coal power plant. |
52 |
Car Question |
Live call-in radio programs are great entertainment. In our role play today, Ariela calls in with a car question. She wants to ask Shlomo, the expert mechanic, about her problem starting the car this morning. In fact she had to tow it to the garage because it won't start. Shlomo describes the possible reasons and discovers that Ariela neglected to take the car in for regular maintenance. |
53 |
At the Vet |
Caring for pets is the topic of today's lesson. Aliza brings her dog Bonnie to see the veterinarian Dr. Levi. She thinks that Bonnie swallowed something that made her sick. Bonnie is also due for her vaccinations. Dr. Levi inquires about Aliza's other pets, and she tells him how much work they all are, especially training Bonnie. |
54 |
Judaica Gift |
Choosing gifts for the relatives is the topic of today's lesson. Gila and her husband Shai are going to stay with her aunt and uncle in New York for Passover. Gila is suggesting various Judaica gifts but Shai wants to buy something a little more practical. At the end they settle on some gifts and also buy themselves a hamsa, a good luck charm, to bring them good luck on the long trip. |
56 |
Brit Milah |
The excitement surrounding the birth of a new baby is the topic of today's lesson. Ilana announces that she's going on maternity leave and asks her boss Amnon to bring a substitute so she can train her. Amnon wants to know if they are invited to the Brit and whether she picked a name for the baby. Let's find out what happens and learn some new and useful expressions. |
57 |
HaMovil HaArtzi |
Fresh water is a scarce resource across the world and in Israel. In our dialog, Maya takes a long shower as many teenagers do, and her mother is trying to convince her to preserve water. She tells her about HaMovil HaArtzi, The National Water Carrier of Israel, that delivers drinking water to most of the population. Let's listen and learn how to speak about this important topic. |
59 |
Made in Israel |
Flower export is an important industry in Israel. Noam is a flower grower who wants to ship his flowers to Europe in time for Christmas. He calls Wings, an import export shipping company to ask about their service. Orna is glad to help him and offer him options to ship by sea or by air. |
60 |
Jerusalem Neighborhoods |
Sarit is developing a software version of a treasure hunt game through the neighborhoods of Jerusalem. She asks her friend Uri, a serious gamer, to try the game. The treasure hunt takes the player through various neighborhoods and the old city and concludes downtown where the player finds the treasure and a traveler can find a choice of shops and restaurants. |
62 |
Soccer Practice |
Soccer is hugely popular around the world and in Israel. In our lesson we'll speak about soccer and learn how to say words like practice, goalkeeper, shin guards, and State Cup final. Nirit is the girls' coach and she is coming to pick up Sharon for a soccer practice. Sharon is not yet ready and Hagai, her father, complains that she was also late for school. |
63 |
Driving in Israel |
Meyrav and Danny are driving to a party in Haifa. They are taking the freeway and debating if it will be quicker to take the toll road. In the dialog we'll hear and practice useful vocabulary on the topic of driving. |
64 |
Paying the Bills |
Paying the bills is a chore that many people dread and often put off. Dorit comes home to find Yigal sitting in the dark. She wants to know whether they need to call an electrician, but Yigal solves the mystery by confirming that Dorit forgot to pay the monthly bills. |
65 |
Scuba Diving in Eilat |
Scuba diving is an exciting activity but you have to observe the safety rules. Iris is a scuba diving instructor in Eilat. Today she's taking a group of divers to Ras Mamlach, a beautiful coral reef in the Red Sea just across the border in Egypt. |
66 |
Magen David Adom |
Magen David Adom is Israel's national emergency medical and ambulance service. In our lesson today Orna tells her neighbor why her son Danny has a giant bandage on his chin and how she had to rush him to Magen David Adom. While the injury was certainly an ordeal, the ambulance ride was quite a treat for Danny. |
67 |
The Great Rift Valley |
Earthquakes and geological faults and rifts are the subject of today's lesson. In our role play, the geologist Dr. Yafa Levi is a guest on a TV science program. The interviewer asks about a recent earthquake that was felt in Eilat. He likes to know how the city's location on the Great Rift Valley has influenced the earthquake. |
146 |
Grandchildren Visit - Part 2 |
Sarah and Yossef are doting grandparents that host their grandchildren once a week. In this part two of a double lesson they discuss a recent visit of their grandchildren. |
151 |
Preparing for an Exhibition |
Ilan and Dina just had a very busy week and they have another busy week ahead of them. They are planning for an exhibition packed with meetings and business activities. |
156 |
Supermarket Tour |
Yoav wants to be hired as the new shift supervisor at the supermarket. Miriam is the hiring manager and she's taking him on a tour of the supermarket. |
162 |
Tolerance - Part 1 |
Dalia is teaching a tolerance workshop. She picked Yoram to lead the participants, and have them divide into groups of similar people without actually knowing them. The results were interesting. |
167 |
The Safari - Part 3 |
This is the third and last part of the Safari trilogy of lessons. Yuval tells Ilana about enriching the animals intellectually and not just physically, and Ilana finds parallels with her own children. |
172 |
Soccer |
Karen and Rami are avid soccer fans. They want to go to a game of
the Israeli national team. Karen also likes to watch the Spanish and
English leagues and she is fluent in both languages. |
178 |
Folk Dance Camp |
Dorit and Yigal are participating in an Israeli folk dance camp. Yigal is not so keen about dancing and tries to get Dorit to learn sailing instead. |
180 |
Food Allergy |
Ilan and Dina are preparing to host their friends for their monthly meal together. They are trying to accommodate their friends' food restrictions be it for allergies, sensitivities or moral choices. |
182 |
Murphy's Law |
Batya is on her way to Motti and she's running late. She just returned from Eilat and experienced many delays. Motti told her a story that related to her experiences. |
187 |
Coffee Shop |
Tammi and Yoram are strolling through the pedestrian mall. They notice a coffee shop and are tempted to go in for coffee and dessert. |
192 |
Ecological Garden |
Adam is jealous of Naomi's garden. He doesn't think that he could have such a nice garden in his small apartment, but Naomi encourages him and gives him some tips. |
197 |
Cartoon Museum |
Aliza is a curator at the new Israeli Cartoon Museum. She invites the mayor to the opening of the museum, recognizing his role in raising funds for the museum. |
202 |
House Cleaner |
Ilan is speaking with Dina. He wants her to recommend a house cleaner so that he doesn't have to do the Passover cleaning this year. The thorough cleaning is just too much for him. |
207 |
A Child's Nightmares |
Yaron has nightmares that keep his parents up at night as they try to comfort him. The parents understand what he’s going through and try to find a solution. |
No |
Title |
Description |
58 |
Daily Newspaper |
In this first advanced-level lesson we'll hear Ariela and Yonatan discuss their daily newspapers. Ariela points out that Yonatan looks very tired, and Yonatan complains that his dog wakes him up very early when he barks at the newspaper delivery person. Ariela suggests changing to another newspaper and tells Yonatan about her family's newspaper habits. |
68 |
Eliezer Ben Yehuda |
The revival of Hebrew as a modern spoken language is primarily the initiative of Eliezer Ben Yehuda. In our lesson today we learn about him from a conversation between Gali and her friend Yossi. |
69 |
Yiddish |
Yiddish is a German dialect spoken by Ashkenazi Jews all over the world. In our dialog today, Liat learns that her great grandmother, Gita, knows Yiddish, and Liat is intrigued by the interesting language that uses the Hebrew alphabet. |
70 |
At the Bank |
Benny is going on a business trip abroad and he needs to buy foreign currency. Leah is the foreign currency clerk and she's been servings Benny for many years. In fact, he was her first customer when she began her career at the bank as a teller. |
71 |
Buying an Apartment |
Tamar is looking for an apartment in Tel Aviv with the help of a broker. Since it's a sellers' market he advises her to be ready to move quickly when she finds an apartment. In Israel it's customary to engage a lawyer for the purchase agreement, but Tamar is not worried about that for a reason that we'll discover in the dialog. |
72 |
Bar Mitzvah atop Masada |
Osnat is calling the bus company to arrange private transportation for her son's Bar Mitzvah celebration atop Masada. She's not sure about the details because her son has his own ideas about the celebration now that he's going to have his rite of passage, his Bar Mitzvah. |
73 |
Retirement |
Retirement is a significant life event and the topic of our dialog today in which Hadassah calls Shlomo to congratulate him on his retirement. Shlomo tells her how he celebrated the event and asks her how she's enjoying her retirement. |
74 |
Neighbor's Fire |
Disasters and emergencies can bring people together. In our lesson today we learn how to speak about emotions through a dialog between Boaz and his neighbor Vered after a fire in her apartment. |
75 |
Gordon Beach |
Israel has many beautiful beaches and our dialog today brings to light the attractions of Gordon beach in Tel Aviv. Let's hear the exciting plans of Adi, her aunt Nava and cousin Yigal, for one of the most famous beaches of Tel Aviv. |
76 |
Jerusalem Light Rail |
Batya and Moti are about to go on a trip together. Batya is late and Moti is impatient, but she explains the reason for the delay and by the end of the dialog, Moti knows much more about the Jerusalem light rail system. |
77 |
Timna |
Sharon is directing a documentary about the copper mines of Timna, and she's calling Avner, the photographer, to remind him about starting early the next morning. Avner is reluctant, but Sharon who's passionate about the film's importance insists that they start early and promises a treat for the crew after they finish filming. |
78 |
Answering Machine |
Keren and Rami work for the phone company and today they need to write a manual for their phone services. In particular, they need to write instructions for recording a greeting on the answering machine, a task that many customers find challenging. Keren and Rami have different ideas about the wording of the greeting. |
80 |
Courthouse |
Anat has an amusing story about her trouble with the law. She calls Omer to ask him to drive her to the courthouse the next day. Let's listen and find out why she needs to be there and why she can't drive herself. |
81 |
Wet Walls |
Plumbing problems always happen at the most inconvenient time. Orly discovers that her walls are wet and it takes some effort to convince Yoav of the severity of the situation. Let's hear how they plan to bring different repair specialists to resolve the situation. |
82 |
Aliyah |
Aliyah inevitably involves some bureaucracy. In our dialog, Daniel comes to the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption looking for information and looking for his uncle who works there. His uncle is not in today and Etti who works there gives him all the information about the aid available to new immigrants. |
83 |
Karmiel Dance Festival |
The annual dance festival at Karmiel draws thousands of dancers from all over the world. Irit is the choreographer of an Israeli dance troupe that's going to compete there. She's making last-minute preparations with the help of Uzi, a dancer in the troupe. She's optimistic and enthusiastic about their chances to win an award at the competition. |
84 |
Sing-Along |
Irit just received two tickets to a sing-along. She's calling Uzi to see if he'll go with her. She reminds him that she promised Dana to come in order to get her to perform with them at the Karmiel Dance Festival. Uzi is excited to try a sing-along with her. |
85 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
Aviva, from the Weizmann Institute in Israel, is returning a call from Yaeer, an American high-school principal, to give him information about their science summer camp. She tells him about this exciting research program for high school students. |
86 |
TV Culture Section |
Efrat is preparing the culture section of a weekly TV program and in the dialog she's meeting with Moti, her producer, to seek his advice. He's excited about the topic and is eager to learn all about the author and his writing process. Moti is going to help Efrat produce the program and to enlist other TV professionals to help too. |
87 |
Hershele and the Goat |
Adam is complaining to his wife Naomi that it's very crowded in their house and no one has a place of their own. In response, she tells him the story of Hershele and the Goat, in the hope that he will understand the moral of the story. |
88 |
Moshav |
Meir is coming to ask for Udi's help so he can harvest his wheat on time. He meets Nily, Udi's wife, who is sending him on many errands. In a Moshav, it is customary to help one another. Let's hear the dialog. |
89 |
Funeral |
Nily is calling Meir to tell him about the tragic death of Hanan. She invites him to come with them to the funeral but asks him to get a few things for her including renting a car for the trip. Let's hear how Meir reacted to all this. |
90 |
Card Game |
Moti, the TV producer, asks Efrat to interview the Finance Minister. Since the minister is a busy man, Efrat doesn't know when he'll arrive. She has to stay late and she's not happy about it. To pass the time, they're going to play cards. |
91 |
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra |
Meir, who's an amateur violinist, is persuaded by Nily to join an organized trip to see the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. He has to overcome his reluctance to leave his banana plantation in the middle of harvest. |
92 |
Conference at King David Hotel |
Batya is looking forward to participating in an architecture convention but her husband, Moti, is not looking forward to her being away from home. Soon Moti realizes that he needs to be more supportive of this great opportunity for Batya. |
93 |
Detention |
In our lesson today Naomi calls her husband to drive with her to the detention center to release their son Yuval on bail. Adam takes it hard but Naomi is proud of her son for demonstrating for social justice. |
94 |
Investments |
Eli just sold his car and wants to invest his money. He is consulting with Batya, his investment advisor, about how to invest in tough economic times. Let's hear her advice. |
95 |
Naomi Shemer |
Gali is preparing to publish a book about the songwriter Naomi Shemer and she asks the help of Yossi who is a music consultant. Yossi is excited to help because he admires the songs of Naomi Shemer. |
96 |
Israeli Elections |
New immigrants to Israel come from many different countries with different political systems. Noa is an Ulpan teacher and today she's teaching her students about the election system in Israel. Some of her students are soon to become Israeli citizens and vote for the first time. |
97 |
Post Office |
Gali is going to the post office to send a couple of packages, not knowing that she chose the busiest time. The post office clerk Eli, understanding her frustration from standing in the long line, helps her with all her requests. |
98 |
Taxes |
Eli had a sleepless night being anxious about filing his annual tax return. His wife, Daphna, reassures him and offers to help. |
99 |
Solar Energy |
Yoav rushed to Dalya when he heard her scream in the shower. He found that she screamed because the water turned lukewarm. Let's hear Yoav and Dalya brainstorm about fixing the water heater and being environmentally conscious. |
100 |
Hadassah's Centennial |
Yuval is a doctor at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and he is happy to hear from Ilana that her aunt will be attending the upcoming Hadassah centennial celebrations. |
101 |
Going to a Movie |
Moti, Batya and Omer are going out to see a movie but Moti is distracted and Omer is late. After a few snags they are going to enjoy the movie and relax before their flight the next day. |
102 |
Amnon and Ilana become hungry while shopping. They need to withdraw money from an ATM because they don't have small bills. Amnon discovers that Ilana has a fear of ATMs and he steps up to help her overcome these fears. |
103 |
Natural Disasters |
Batya is surprised by the amount of rain this summer. She calls Moti early in the morning to discuss it with him but soon realizes that she needs to lift his mood. |
104 |
The Windmill |
Noa and Danny own a Judaica store in Jerusalem. Noa wants to attend the re-opening of the restored Montefiore Windmill. Danny is worried about the store's declining sales but gets excited about the prospects of benefiting from the windmill re-opening. |
105 |
Beit Hatfutsot |
Tami is making a family tree as a present for her grandmother's 90th birthday. She is asking her father, Yoram, to accompany her to Beit Hatfutsot to research her family roots. She is hoping to find new relatives to add to their family tree. |
106 |
The Marzipan Museum |
Sarit and Arie go on family trips. They take turns planning the outings and this time it's Sarit's turn. She's excited to plan a trip to the Marzipan Museum, but before Arie embarks on the trip he wants to make sure that she took care of all the little details. |
107 |
A Golan Winery |
Sarit and Arie go on family trips together. Last time it was Sarit who planned the outing to the Marzipan Museum, and this time it's Arie's turn. He's planning a trip to the wineries of the Golan Heights. |
108 |
A Ride for a Soldier |
Yossi gave Gali a ride. She's an army soldier traveling home on a short leave. Their conversation brought back old memories of Yossi's own army service. |
109 |
Yad Sarah |
Udi called his neighbor Nily and asked her for help. His guest fell and hurt his leg, and he needed her professional help as a nurse. Nily helped him and calmed him down with practical and moral support. |
110 |
Fashion Week |
Yael has tickets and she's inviting Uri to the fashion week in Tel Aviv. Although they have different taste in clothes, they're both excited to see the new fashion for the upcoming season. They're part of a big crowd of fashion enthusiasts, so parking is going to be a problem. |
111 |
Camping |
Leah and Benny are organizing a team-building retreat for the employees of their department. They like the idea of camping and they are working out the details. |
112 |
Boating |
Leah and Benny meet during their coffee break to plan the team-building retreat. Benny is planning boating activities on the Jordan River, but Leah wants to make sure that the activities are safe for all the employees. |
113 |
Jeep Tour |
In their last meeting, Leah and Benny planned the boating part of their team-building retreat. Today, Benny is excited to plan a Jeep tour and is pushing for a rock climbing activity for the last day of the retreat. |
114 |
The Maccabiah |
Noa and her daughter Rina are preparing to host two athletes that will compete in the Maccabiah. The Maccabiah is the world's largest Jewish athletic competition, taking place every four years in Israel. Noa and Rina reminisce about the last Maccabiah and are excited about the upcoming one. |
115 |
Laundromat |
Gali and her husband were on a walking tour of the Old City Walls when a heavy rain suddenly caught them unprepared. They were drenched and had to look for a laundromat to dry their clothes. In the dialog, Gali is calling her friend Yossi to tell him all about it and to pass the time. |
116 |
Yoga Class |
Yoram is a new yoga student. He came for help with his back pain but unfortunately for him, he pulled a muscle right at the beginning of class. Gali, the yoga instructor, educates him about yoga and helps him ease the pain. |
117 |
A Visit to the Library |
Noa and Danny are heading to the library to look for books and magazines about stamp collecting. Danny fondly remembers the stamp collecting hobby he shared with his father and wants to continue sharing this hobby with his daughter Rina. |
118 |
The National Library |
The National Library is at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Danny and Noa are there, looking for books about stamp collecting. They are very impressed by the size of the library, but they're also a bit intimidated. Instead of getting help from a librarian they decide to make it a competition. The winner will be the one who's first to find the books. |
119 |
The Israel Philatelic Service |
Danny and Noa are visiting the Israeli Philatelic Service to learn about Israeli stamp production and about the history of the Israeli Philatelic Service. A unique service called "My Stamp" caught their attention and they can't wait to share it with Rina. |
120 |
The Israel National Trail |
Sarit just met her childhood friend, Shila, who told her about her walking group. The group walks sections of the Israel National Trail. Arie is interested to hear about this trail and considers joining a walking group with Sarit. |
121 |
Adolescence |
Arie got a call from Ronit, the psychologist at his son's school, to talk about a change in his son's behavior. Adolescence is marked by big changes in many areas, and Ronit and Arie want to work together to help his son, Alon, to have good mental health. |
122 |
Online Ordering |
In our dialog today, Gila has a problem with the delivery of her online order. Let's listen to her conversation with the delivery company customer service representative. |
123 |
Raising a Baby |
Sarit took her six-month-old baby girl to Tipat Halav for immunization. In the waiting room she met Arie and his three-month-old baby boy. Being a first time parent, Sarit was anxious, but Arie was able to reassure her. |
124 |
Bike Rental in Tel Aviv |
Moti and Batya belong to a bicycle club that is planning a trip in the Negev to see the blooming anemones. Batya is more accustomed to street biking in Tel Aviv and needs a different bike for the trip. |
125 |
International Shipping |
Gali Levine is getting a price estimate for international moving. Yossi is the shipping company representative who helps Gali with advice about lowering the cost. |
126 |
Dreams |
Gali had a nightmare about the international move. To ease the pressure, her husband suggested paying the moving company to pack and unpack. He also tried to get her excited about the wonderful adventure ahead. |
127 |
Israeli Television |
Eli invited his friend Yuval to come over and watch TV. The private invitation soon snowballed into a small party. Batya and Eli didn't usually invite friends during the week, but supporting friends was important to them. |
128 |
Krav Maga |
Dorit attacked her cousin Yigal when he entered her apartment because she mistook him for a burglar. Yigal was not physically hurt but was very offended. To make amends, Dorit had to teach him Krav Maga and join him at his gym. |
129 |
Fitness Center |
Dorit reluctantly came to the gym. She was intimidated by all the equipment, but Yigal explained that every trainee gets an individualized exercise program and starts gradually. He was certain that Dorit will come to enjoy it as much as he does. |
130 |
The Hula Reserve |
Batya is the Hula Reserve tour guide and is leading a group in a tour of the reserve. One of the visitors is Moshe, a natural science teacher who is also an amateur ornithologist. She is happy to appoint him as her assistant for the tour. |
131 |
Power Outage |
Yossi and Dina experience a power outage at their home. While trying to discover the cause of the outage, they realize that so many of their appliances are electric and unusable in an outage. |
132 |
Monopoly Game |
In the dialog today, Yossi and Dina decide to pass the time during a power outage by playing Monopoly. Let's hear them go over the game instructions. |
133 |
Letter Translation |
Ariel asked Ronit to translate a letter that he received from his niece in Paris. In the letter, she writes about a recent wedding and a planned visit to Israel. |
134 |
Diet |
Batya announced that she was starting a new diet. Ariel reminded her that she started many diets that ended with disappointment. He wanted to try to form healthier eating habits and to tackle it together as a team. |
135 |
Horoscope |
Naomi and Dina were planning a trip but postponed setting a date until later. Adam learned from Naomi that Dina became interested in astrology and was avoiding important decisions this week. |
136 |
Stars |
Naomi and Adam are excited to watch the upcoming lunar eclipse. We hear that Naomi learned quite a bit about astronomy while taking her grandson to the planetarium and the observatory. |
137 |
Preparing for the Cooking Competition |
Today we begin a trilogy of lessons about Meir and Hannah's experiences in a cooking competition. In this first installment they discuss the preparation; they study the judges' criteria and select a menu. |
138 |
Cooking Competition |
This is the second lesson in our trilogy in which Meir and Hannah are participating in the cooking competition. They are checking out the kitchen and carrying out their plan. |
139 |
Results of the Cooking Competition |
This is the last of our trilogy of lessons. In this lesson Hannah and Meir talk about the results of the competition. Although they didn't win, they came close and learned valuable lessons along the way. |
140 |
Foreign Worker - Part 1 |
Ilana called her father, Yossi, to see how he was doing. He complained about his health and about becoming a burden on the family. Ilana suggested getting a foreign healthcare worker to live in and help with his daily activities. |
141 |
Foreign Worker - Part 2 |
In this second part of our lesson, Ilana tells her father about the formalities of obtaining a foreign worker. Now that Yossi agreed that it's a good idea, he is impatient to get a foreign worker to help him with his daily life. |
142 |
Matriculation Exams |
Yossi called his daughter, Ilana, to ask about the foreign worker application. Instead, he got an earful about the tension in the house. His granddaughter, Noa, was studying for her matriculation exams. |
143 |
Backpacking Trip |
Ilana is worried. Her daughter Noa wants to go on a long backpacking trip to India. Ilana is especially worried because Noa wants to go alone. |
144 |
Israel Diamond Exchange |
Leah wants to visit the Diamond Museum at the Israel Diamond Exchange. Her curiosity about diamonds was sparked by the diamond that Benny gave her. |
147 |
Business Trip - Part 1 |
Sarit called her friend Danny who works at the airport for information about international travel. In this part 1 of a two-part lesson Sarit tells Danny about her upcoming trip and asks him for advice. |
148 |
Business Trip - Part 2 |
In this second part of our two-part lesson, Sarit asks Danny about the security checks at the airport. |
149 |
Phone Call Mistake |
Tami called Yoav to vent her frustration about her work and ask for help. She talked and talked not realizing that she called the wrong friend. |
152 |
Character Attributes |
Ilan is apprehensive about the upcoming meeting with the mayor and asks Dina for information about him. |
153 |
If I Were Rich |
The tax season is here and Yossi is frustrated as always. He'd like to be richer but Dina is not sure that more money will enrich his life. |
154 |
Therapeutic Riding |
Talya, the therapeutic horseback riding instructor, is approached by Avi. He is inquiring about therapeutic riding for his son who has emotional and physical impairment. |
157 |
Preschool Registration |
Yoram calls his cousin Tammy to ask her advice about a preschool for his son Gadi. Tammy is more experienced because her son Yoni is already enrolled in preschool. |
158 |
Preschool Graduation |
Tammy joined Yoram to his son's preschool graduation. Yoram was very moved and could hardly contain himself. Tammy reminisced about their own school graduations. |
159 |
A Cruise - Part 1 |
Yoram and his cousin Tammy are cruising Alaska with their families. This is a dream come true for them and they are excited to discuss the trip's itinerary and activities. |
160 |
A Cruise - Part 2 |
In this second part of our lesson about the Alaska cruise that Yoram and his cousin Tammy are taking, we'll hear more about the planned tours. |
163 |
Tolerance - Part 2 |
This is the second part of the lesson about the tolerance workshop. Yoram is leading the exercise and Dalia is analyzing the results of the exercise. |
164 |
Tolerance - Part 3 |
This is the third and final part of the lesson about the tolerance workshop. Yoram and Dalia talk about the implications of the workshop and how the members can apply the knowledge they gained to all parts of their lives and relationships. |
165 |
The Safari - Part 1 |
Yuval is a new zookeeper at the Ramat-Gan Safari park. Ilana, the biologist, is showing him around and introduces him to the animals that he will be responsible for feeding. |
168 |
Online Dating - Part 1 |
Ilana and Yossi are best friends and are thirty-somethings who are looking for spouses with the help of online dating sites. Ilana already started the process and she is nudging Yossi to give it a try. |
169 |
Online Dating - Part 2 |
Ilana and Yossi are discussing the different dating sites. Ilana is helping Yossi overcome his apprehension of joining one of them. |
170 |
Online Dating - Part 3 |
Ilana and Yossi discuss the characteristics they seek in a potential spouse. Yossi shares with Ilana the pressure he feels from his mother to find a wife and get married. |
173 |
Eye Exam |
Yoram is coming for his annual eye exam. Naomi, the optometrist, is checking his eyesight and giving him eye care advice. |
174 |
Port of Ashdod |
Benny and Leah are working at the Port of Ashdod. Benny is a crane operator and Leah is a signal person. They both work together as a team at the very busy port. |
176 |
Remodeling |
Ariel and Ronit are planning to remodel their home. Their teenage daughter wants a room of her own, so they'll convert the balcony into a room. |
177 |
Hebrew Months |
Yigal wants to surprise Dorit with a unique gift for their upcoming wedding anniversary, but needs to check that it doesn't fall on Passover. |
179 |
Escape Room |
Yoav asks Orly to arrange a team-building day for the employees. Orly has an exciting idea that will meet Yoav's expectations. |
183 |
Water Desalination |
Yossi is a TV host and today he has Ms. Yehuda in the studio to talk about water desalination. She will shed light on the sea water desalination process and how it's used to solve water shortage in Israel. |
184 |
Shalva |
When Danny came to volunteer at Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, he bumped into Orna. He was surprised to see that she volunteers with people with disability while being in a wheelchair herself. After a shaky start they got to know each other and help one another. |
185 |
Wildlife Crossing |
Orly represents the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel and she is meeting with Yoav who is the engineer responsible for building a wildlife crossing for the new road. |
188 |
Park Fitness Equipment |
Naomi called City Hall to lodge a complaint regarding accessibility to public fitness equipment. She spoke with Adam. Let's hear how Adam is trying to resolve her complaint. |
189 |
At the Beach |
Yuval and his grandma are going to the beach. They are debating which Tel Aviv beach is the best and safest. |
190 |
Climate Change |
Tamar, the office manager, called a general meeting of all the employees to brainstorm ways of combating climate change. |
193 |
Clocks Theft Mystery |
Sarit and Danny are police detectives. Danny complains to Sarit about an investigation that is proving hard to solve. Sarit recounts the great mystery of the theft of the clock collection. |
194 |
Apollonia National Park |
Keren and Rami are invited to a birthday costume party. The theme is historical figures. For their costume, they look for inspiration in the photos they took while visiting Apollonia National Park. |
195 |
Spice Farm |
Batya and Moti are brother and sister that inherited the management of the spice farm from their father. They are excited to assume the responsibility of being the third generation to manage the farm and to inject their own new ideas. |
198 |
Yehuda Amichai |
Yael is hosting the weekly book club meeting. She is welcoming Ariel who joined the book club when he heard that the club members are going to discuss his favorite poet, Yehuda Amichai. |
199 |
The Photographer |
Nily and Meir are hiking but Nily stays behind to take photos. Meir is worried for her safety because she sometimes immerses herself in taking photos while not watching where she stands. |
200 |
Hebrew Language Day |
Leah and Benny are both teachers that are preparing lesson plans for the upcoming Hebrew Language Day. Every language evolves over time and the Academy for the Hebrew Language introduces new words periodically. |
203 |
Department Store |
Uzi is shopping at the department store with his toddler son. He asks Dana at the customer service desk for help navigating the store. |
204 |
Yossi Banai |
Yigal hears Dorit laughing hard and learns that she is listening to an old sketch of Hagashash Hachiver. They are reminiscing about the writer of the sketch, Yossi Banai, a prolific Israeli artist. |
205 |
Mahane Yehuda Market |
Yigal and Dorit are heading to Mahane Yehuda Market. They love shopping there, and eating at many of their favorite restaurants. |
208 |
A Visit to the Optometrist |
Yossi is at the optometrist for his annual eye exam. Dr. Maor is performing a comprehensive eye exam, and she listens to Yossi who thinks that there's something wrong with his wife's vision. |
209 |
Condo Committee |
Tamar was elected to chair their condominium committee. She and Gideon discuss how to improve the satisfaction of the residents by improving the management of the building and the common budget. |
210 |
Winter Storm |
Tamar tells Gideon that she heard on the weather news that a winter storm is expected to arrive. They are planning how to prepare for the storm. |
No |
Title |
Description |
1C |
Lesson 1 - Diminutive |
Welcome to our first Hebrew Corner, a short lesson focused on a topic of grammar, an idiom, a common misuse, or anecdote about the Hebrew language.
In today's Hebrew Corner, we'll discuss the diminutive, a way to form words that refer to smaller things. |
2C |
Lesson 2 - Root |
In today's Lesson we'll discuss the root (shoresh) of Hebrew words. The root is the basic unit or the stem of a word without any vowels, prefix or suffix. It usually consists of three consonants, sometimes four. |
3C |
Lesson 3 - The Plural Form |
One of the most frequent questions we receive from our listeners is about the plural form and the suffix that creates this form according to the gender. There seems to be a rule, yet our listeners point out many exceptions. |
4C |
Lesson 4 - Prepositions |
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between things in a sentence. Some examples in English are: in, near, on, and without... |
5C |
Lesson 5 - Numbers |
Some of the most frequent questions we get from our listeners have to do with
saying numbers. For example, how do you say the year 1998 or the year 2018 in
Hebrew? In this lesson, we'll learn how to count and how to say numbers in general. |
6C |
Lesson 6 - Smichut |
In our lesson today, we'll learn about Smichut, this is an important concept in Hebrew, but one that does not exist in English and is therefore hard to grasp. But no worry, we'll take it slowly. |
7C |
Lesson 7 - Getting Dressed |
Hebrew has a variety of verbs to describe how we dress and use different items of clothing and accessories. In this lesson we'll introduce these verbs and we'll also learn a few idioms related to those verbs. |
8C |
Lesson 8 - Question Words |
In this lesson we'll review how to form questions in Hebrew. |
9C |
Lesson 9 - Idioms |
In today's lesson we're going to learn some idioms that relate to two different roots. |
10C |
Lesson 10 - Word Families |
Hebrew derives families of related words from common roots. Not only verbs, but also nouns, adjectives, and more. |
11C |
Lesson 11 - The Letter Vav |
The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, vav, is used in many ways. We'll review it in this lesson. |
12C |
Lesson 12 - Imperative |
Today we're going to explore the imperative. Imperative is a command, order or directive for action. |
13C |
Lesson 13 - Hebrew Words from Aramaic |
This lesson explores Hebrew words and idioms that are borrowed from Aramaic. |
14C |
Lesson 14 - Acronym |
Today we are going to learn about acronyms. An acronym allows us to abbreviate a phrase by taking the initial letters to form the acronym. |
15C |
Lesson 15 - Prepositions |
In this lesson we will go over three different prepositions, and explore some examples for each. |
16C |
Lesson 16 - The Double Negative |
An interesting and fun topic to study is the double negative. While English discourages the double negative, some languages including Hebrew make pervasive use of the double negative. |
17C |
Lesson 17 - Common Mistakes |
Many common mistakes stem from confusing similar sounding verbs. Even though it's the same verb in two different constructions, it could have a different meaning. |
18C |
Lesson 18 - Binyan Hitpael |
Binyan Hitpael is one of seven binyanim in Hebrew. These are verb constructions or conjugations. In this lesson we'll learn how it's used. |
19C |
Lesson 19 - Idioms from Latin |
In this lesson we're going to learn some Hebrew idioms that have their roots in Latin, or that have a familiar equivalent in Latin. |
20C |
Lesson 20 - Words from the Same Root |
Hebrew generates families of words based on a common root, often by conjugating the word in different verb constructions (known as Binyanim).
21C |
Lesson 21 - Begadkefat |
In this lesson, we'll focus on six letters, known as Begadkefat. Those are the letters bet, gimel, dalet, kaf, pe, and tav. These letters change between their soft and hard pronunciation depending on whether they are written with a dagesh, which is a stress or an emphasis. |
22C |
Lesson 22 - Passive |
In our lesson today, we'll discuss the passive voice. When we speak in the passive voice we focus on the action rather than on who or what caused the action. |
23C |
Lesson 23 - Collective Noun |
The subject of this lesson is the collective noun. Collective nouns are a collection of things taken as a whole and treated as singular. |
24C |
Lesson 24 - Adverb |
The topic is the adverb. An adverb describes a verb, an action. It can also describe an adjective or another adverb. |
25C |
Lesson 25 - Conjunction |
We use a conjunction to connect words or phrases in a sentence. We do so with words such as and or but. |
26C |
Lesson 26 - Homophones |
Homophones are words that sound the same but have a different meaning and are spelled differently. They sometimes used in puns or as clues to confuse and challenge in crossword puzzles. |
27C |
Lesson 27 - Word Families 2 |
Hebrew develops related words from a common root that typically consists of three letters. Today we'll study two such word families. |
28C |
Lesson 28 - Onomatopoeia |
In our lesson today we will learn about onomatopoeia. It’s words that phonetically imitate, remind, or are similar to the sound that they describe. |
29C |
Lesson 29 - Binyan Paal |
In this lesson we'll focus on Binyan Paal. It's the most commonly used of the seven Binyanim. |
30C |
Lesson 30 - Idioms with Face Parts |
The theme of today’s lesson is idioms that have to do with face parts. We’ll concentrate on idioms that have to do with nose, mouth, tongue, ears and eyes. |
31C |
Lesson 31 - Adjuncts |
In this lesson we’ll build on adverbs with adjuncts. An adjunct adds more information to a sentence |
32C |
Lesson 32 - Hebrew Words from Russian |
Today we are going to explore Hebrew words and idioms that are borrowed from Russian. |
33C |
Lesson 33 - Weather-Related Idioms |
In today's lesson we'll review idioms with weather-related words. |
34C |
Lesson 34 - Idioms with Negative Words |
In our lesson today we'll review idioms that use negative words. |
35C |
Lesson 35 - Words from the Same Root |
In today's lesson we'll explore the root and see how different verbs, nouns and idioms are generated from this root. |
36C |
Lesson 36 - Idioms with Antonyms |
Today we'll talk about antonyms or opposites and learn about some idioms that use them. |
37C |
Lesson 37 - Color-Related Idioms |
Our lesson today will feature idioms with color-related words. We’ll learn about idioms in Hebrew that use color in general and idioms related to the following colors: white, black, grey, red and green. |
38C |
Lesson 38 - Prefix Words |
In today’s lesson we’ll learn about prefix words. A prefix word is a word or word part that is added to the beginning of another word. |
39C |
Lesson 39 - Words from a Root |
In this lesson we'll explore a new root and see how different verbs, nouns and idioms are generated from this root. |
40C |
Lesson 40 - Words from a Root |
In this lesson we'll explore a new root and see how different verbs, nouns and idioms are generated from this root. |
41C |
Lesson 41 - Binyan Piel |
Binyan Piel is one of seven binyanim or verb constructions in Hebrew. It's used for active verbs. We'll see a few examples of verbs in binyan Piel and conjugate the same verb in binyan Piel, in the past, present, and future. |