Trees of Israel  A-tsey e-rets is-ra-el  עצי ארץ ישראל
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Structure of a tree  miv-ne ha-ets  מבנה העץ
Almond  sha-ked  שקד
The Almond tree flowers in February and March. It's found all across Israel. The Almond tree symbolizes the beginning of the flowering season and the coming of Tu B'Shvat – the holiday known as the New Year for Trees.
Redbud, Judas Tree  klil ha-ho-resh  כליל החורש
The Judas tree flowers in March and April. It is found in the Golan, the Galilee, the Carmel and the Judean mountains.
Pine  o-ren  אורן
The Pine tree flowers in March and April. It is found all across Israel. The Pine was brought by the Jewish National Fund in the twenty century to grow the forests of Israel because it can withstand dry land. It was planted on large plots from the Galilee to the Judean mountains.
Oak  a-lon  אלון
The Oak tree flowers April through June. It is found on the Hermon.
Cedar  e-rez  ארז
The Cedar tree flowers in May. It is found in the Hermon, the Galilee and the Judean mountains.
Eucalyptus  e-ka-lip-toos  אקליפטוס
The Eucalyptus tree flowers April through October. It is found all over Israel. The Eucalyptus is an Australian tree. It was brought to Israel at the end of the nineteen century to dry the swamps because it grows so quickly.
Cypress  brosh  ברוש
The Cypress tree flowers March through May. It is found all across Israel. The Cypress was brought by the Jewish National Fund at the end of the nineteen century. It was planted to break the wind around many orchards.
Olive  za-yit  זית
The Olive tree flowers in April and May. It is found all over Israel. It is used for eating and making oil.
Willow  a-ra-va  ערבה
The Willow tree flowers March through June. It is found mostly at the Hula valley and the Sharon. The Willow is one of the four kinds for Sukkoth. It symbolizes the people’s dependency on water since the Willow grows on the banks of springs.